Terapia con Láser Endovenoso
Learn More About Endovenous Laser Therapy
How to get rid of varicose veins? Many people schedule appointments at Arizona Vein and Laser Institute to seek the answer. Fortunately, our team is able to provide a variety of treatments that address varicose veins and other vein problems. With multiple locations in Phoenix, AZ, we are dedicated to helping as many people as possible. Please speak with our doctor to discuss your options for varicose vein removal. Our team may recommend endovenous laser therapy to reduce the appearance of varicose veins. Learn more about this effective treatment or schedule an appointment to start a conversation with our team.

What Are Varicose Veins?
You may have noticed varicose veins on your legs. What are these dark veins? Varicose veins occur when healthy veins become twisted and enlarged. Most of the time, they are caused by faulty valves in the vein, which cause blood to flow backward. For many people, varicose veins are just a cosmetic problem. But, other patients experience pain and discomfort as a result. If varicose veins are affecting your quality of life, don’t wait to schedule an appointment at Arizona Vein and Laser Institute.

What is Endovenous Laser Therapy?
Endovenous laser therapy, or EVLT, is a noninvasive procedure designed to eliminate varicose veins. This treatment uses laser energy to close off a specific vein and stop blood flow through it. When blood flow stops in the affected vein, the varicose vein will begin to disappear. EVLT allows blood to flow freely through healthy veins while bypassing damaged veins. This procedure involves a small laser in the vein, but we use a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort.
Preparing for the Procedure
Because EVLT is not an invasive surgery, you won’t need to do much to prepare. But, we do have a few tips for the days before EVLT. Don’t shave your legs within three days of your appointment. Shaved skin can cause infections during your EVLT recovery. Talk to our doctor about your medications. Certain medicines, such as blood thinners, can affect the treatment. So, you will need to stop these medicines before EVLT. However, you can eat or drink anything during the days before your appointment. We recommend that you eat a small meal and drink plenty of water on the day of your procedure.
The Benefits of EVLT
Endovenous laser therapy is an excellent option for removing varicose veins. This noninvasive procedure will give you many benefits, including a high likelihood of reducing or eliminating varicose vein pain. Many patients enjoy these advantages of EVLT:
- There is no need for hospitalization
- Quick recovery and immediate return to your normal activities
- There is no need for stitches and there are no scars.
- Decreased risk of deep vein thrombosis
- Easy care after the procedure

Am I a Candidate for This Treatment?
Many people who need treatment for varicose veins will benefit from EVLT. This procedure is very appealing to patients who are not interested in invasive surgery. However, it is important to remember that this treatment is not effective for everyone. Look into other forms of treatment if you are pregnant or have serious problems with your deep vein system. The team at Arizona Vein and Laser Institute will help find a solution for you.
How to Recover After EVLT
Recovery is usually easy, but there are some strategies to promote healing. Your doctor will recommend the best methods for recovery. These common strategies may be effective for you:
Vendajes y Medias de Compresión
Las medias de compresión mejora la circulación sanguínea en las piernas. Siempre lleva las medias de compresión según lo que indique su doctor. Si las llevas incorrectamente, pueden causar incomodidad e irritación.
No Bañarte
No te bañas por al menos 10 días después de EVLT. Si el sitio de inserción se moja, el riesgo de infección aumenta. No te duchas por al menos 24 horas, y mantener la piel seca cuando te duchas después el primer día.
Caminar Mucho
Hacer ejercicio es importante para una recuperación exitosa. Después del procedimiento, podrá caminar y hacer tus actividades normales. No sentarte demasiado tiempo durante las primeras dos semanas. Debes caminar cuando es posible por al menos 10 minutos cada vez.
Comunicar con Tu Doctor
Después del procedimiento, es necesario programar unas citas más a Arizona Vein and Laser Institute. Tu próxima cita debe ser cuatro semanas después de EVLT. Nuestro equipo quiere evaluar tu recuperación y asegurar la curación.
Contact Us Today
The team at Arizona Vein and Laser Institute is always happy to answer your questions about EVLT. We are here for you, whether you are considering the procedure or are already recovering. Talk to us immediately if you have a fever, swelling, shortness of breath, or severe pain during recovery. These could be signs of infection and you need the help of a doctor. For any needs, contact us for help or to schedule an appointment.